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Booking.com is the worlds favorite travel booking site. Now available in India for you to book hotel or apartment stays at your convenience domestically or internationally.
Booking.com started in the Netherlands but is supported international by 184 offices in 70 countries. Including India! They have 16,600+ properties for you to book for your next stay.
Here is the breakdown of places to stay by most popular city in India:
City | Number of Places To Stay |
Mumbai | 436 |
New Delhi | 980 |
Bangalore | 621 |
Jaipur | 500 |
Hyderabad | 293 |
Chennai | 412 |
Kolkata | 256 |
Pune | 243 |
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They have more than just hotels to stay at. In fact, they have a ton of various types of places:
Find a ton of destination stays in Goa. Whether you are going for a wedding, honeymoon or just Holiday you will find a great place to stay if you check online or in the app.
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